Ministers vs Public Administrators: Roles, Responsibilities, and Collaboration

Ministers are the people who the people elect through the voting system at election time and ministers are also representatives of the people.

Ministers are elected for a limited period. The main aim of ministers is to do the welfare of the country. It is an elected representative of the people.

Public administrators are selected persons who qualify for the government exam. Their work duration is fixed at almost 63 years of age or 33-35 years of work.

The main aim of public administrators is to do or work for the government and work for the betterment of citizens. Public administrators are also the executives of schemes and policies. They also maintain law and order.

I.e Both are the servants of the public and both aim to develop the society and work in favor of the people.

The only difference between ministers and public administrators is that ministers are elected by the people, which means ministers are representatives of the people and the government exam selects the public administrators.

Characteristics of Ministers and Public Administrators

For some periods, some kinds of disputes are raised between ministers and public administrators which is very bad for people’s development and society’s development because these two are the capacities and duties of developing society.

Ministers and Public Administrators both are dependent on one -another. Ministers have the power to decide the budget plan and have the authority to distribute money in different different departments. For making budget and schemes.

Public administrators are very helpful in this work because they have ideas and knowledge about budgets and schemes.

Ministers are those who know what people want and Public Administrators are those who know what is possible for or what is impossible for government.

Public Administration is well educated and that’s why he makes data for the particular field. For example, the finance secretary makes financial data for a year whether is upcoming or whether is a previous year, and with the help of this data which is given by the public administration.

Minister makes Schemes and announces them Publicly. Public Administration provides input to the Minister, and based on input Minister provides Output to the Public. Both help each other to maintain the System.

Ministers are the responsible to Public and they make Schemes and decisions Public Administration is responsible to the Minister and they help in Implementing the Minister’s schemes and Decisions.


Ministers make Schemes “Har Ghar Nal and Har Ghar Jal” but implemented by the Public Administration. Ministers give money or Funds and resources to the Public Administration to execute this Scheme on the ground.

In Corona Period, We see how they both help each other to prevent people from this dangerous virus. Both of them worked day and night with the help of each other. It is not possible to tackle this situation without one another.

Public Administration is well educated and that’s why he makes data for the particular field. example: Finance secretary makes financial data for a year upcoming or whether it was the previous year and with the help of these data which are given by public administration. Minister makes schemes and around it publicly.

Basically, Public Administration provides input to ministers and based on input, Ministers provide output to the public. Both help each other or maintain the system.

Ministers are the responsible to public and they make schemes and decisions public administration is responsible to ministers and they help in implementing ministers’ schemes and decisions.

Example: Ministers make schemes “Har Ghar Nal and Har Ghar Jal” but implemented by the Public Administration. Ministers give money or funds and resources to Public Administration to execute this scheme on the ground.

During the coronavirus period, we see how they both help each other to protect people from this dangerous virus. Both of them worked day and night with the help of each other. It is not possible to tackle this situation.


Public administration and minister both are executive parts of the state and both are very essential for the development of the state.

Sometimes they both work together which is good for the state but sometimes they are against each other which is very bad for the state’s development.

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